We Help You Get Back On Your Feet
Bad things can happen to good people. If you are here because you need debt relief, you are in the right place. With 20 years of experience in bankruptcy law, we can help you get your debts reduced or removed entirely. We have helped thousands of people erase millions in debt; let us help you! Call 417-4NO-DEBT (466-3328) today to set up a free consultation.
Areas Our Practice Excels In
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
With Chapter 13, you must make monthly payments to your creditors, based on what you can afford to pay. Less-experienced attorneys will have you paying too much on your plan. With our years of experience, we have helped thousands of people develop realistic budgets they can live on, and these budgets are accepted and approved by the Court.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
A Chapter 7 case is known as a “liquidation case” because assets that cannot be protected by law are sold to pay your creditors. This is the reason why you need an experienced bankruptcy attorney on your side. When we claim the correct exemptions, you will be able to keep most or all of your property, if its value is within the dollar limits of the law.
Debt Relief & Settlement
If you are in financial trouble, other options to reduce your debt are available. A bankruptcy attorney is still a great negotiator to help you settle your debts, because creditors know the attorney can file a bankruptcy for the client if the creditors are not reasonable. They know they might not get any payment on the debt if that were to happen.
Credit Score Improvement
Bankruptcy is the beginning to a new financial life, but if you don’t properly rebuild your life after bankruptcy, you will wind up overpaying on everything for the foreseeable future. Improving your credit score is an important part of that process. We offer a customized program, free to all our clients, that will help you breathe easier and put your life back in order.
The Bankruptcy Clinic:
Passion & Commitment
We realize no one wants to file bankruptcy. Financial trouble is already causing you high levels of stress and worry — we want to help ease that burden. At your free, initial consultation, we will offer counsel on whether or not bankruptcy is right for you, and discuss what other options are available. What sets us apart is the passion we have for helping our clients, and our commitment to helping them see a positive outcome. In addition to handling your case from start to finish, our job is to support, advise, and educate you so that you can get out of debt and live a better life.

Free Initial Consultation
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Kind Words from Our Clients
Stop Collections Now
You may be very experienced with the headaches that come when creditors and collection agencies start calling you non-stop about your debts. Believe it or not, there are self-help options available. While they may not erase or reduce your debt like bankruptcy, please read on to learn how to stop those annoying collection calls and get real relief now.